Monday, February 24, 2020

Case study WRATD (Werribee Residents Against Toxic Dumps) Essay

Case study WRATD (Werribee Residents Against Toxic Dumps) - Essay Example It was further argued that the development planning of the facility had met all the guidelines and regulations of EPA. Thus, CSR believed that the development was legal and met all the stipulated regulations. However, the local residents were of the opinion that the project would be detrimental to the area’s economy. The region had also been previously compelled to accommodate unwanted developments such as Melbourne’s major sewerage treatment works. The residents formed Werribee Residents Against Toxic Dump (WRATD) in order to fight the proposal by CSR. The group was a grassroots organization with representation from various disparate parts of the community. One of the key issues that hindered the implementation of development of the waste facility was due to ineffective involvement of the local community. There was inadequate publicity about the proposal and the local residents were not properly appraised concerning the project. The process was highly secretive. In a nutshell, there was minimal community involvement in regards the proposal by CSR. The reservations of the local community, whether real or perceived, need to be addressed in order for a project to be accepted. This paper analyzes the role of community engagement to the society and its social impacts. The paper also discusses the pertinent issue of ethics in relation to the society and the role that community engagement can play in order to tackle the ethical problems associated with communications from organizations. The case study of Werribee Residents Against Toxic Dump (WRATD) is critically analyzed in order to assess the proper methodology of public involvement in proj ects and the approaches that should be used in handling publicity for contentious projects. According to Freeman and Harrison (2001), stakeholders comprise of the entire ecosystem that support an organization. From a business perspective

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Marketing Research Individual Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Research Individual Assignment - Essay Example Achrol, and Mentzer established three forms of customer commitment: affective, instrumental, and temporal commitment.1 Affective customer commitment occurs when a positive attitude towards the future existence of the relationship is demonstrated. A number of approaches have been established in constructing affective customer commitment. One of the most prominent approaches has been through the development of strong brand identity. It’s noted that, â€Å"Every organisation has an identity. It articulates the corporate ethos, aims and values and presents a sense of individuality that can help to differentiate the organisation within its competitive environment.†2 Large arrays of approaches to creating brand identity have been established. One perspective embraces corporate social responsibility as strongly contributing to brand identity.3 Such approaches have been embraced by organizations such as Ben & Jerry’s and Starbucks. The recognition being that through crea ting a socially responsible image, customers will increasingly express long-term satisfaction with the company. Another approach has been the establishment of emotional connections through advertising; this approach is witnessed in brands such as Nike and Coca-Cola.4 In either instance, â€Å"By effectively managing its corporate identity an organisation can build understanding and commitment among its diverse stakeholders.†5 In terms of measurement practices, qualitative methods of understanding have been implemented that use focus groups and semi-structured interviews as a means of better understanding customer perceptions. Ultimately, this specific organization could improve affective customer commitment through ensuring that the corporate brand is well maintained. Another of the major forms of customer commitment is ‘instrumental’. Instrumental customer commitment is demonstrated when investment through time or resources is made in the brand relationship. One prominent means of creating customer commitment has been through specific outreach measures referred to as community relationships. It’s noted that, â€Å"that marketers can strengthen brand communities by facilitating shared customer experiences in ways that alter those dynamic characteristics.†6 Perhaps the most prominent implementation of these techniques has been witnessed with Harley Davidson and their development of the Harley Owners Group (HOG). It’s noted that this is, "the granddaddy of all community-building efforts serving to promote not just a consumer product, but a lifestyle.†7 In this way, Harley Davidson sponsored its own motorcycle club to improve customer commitment. In terms of measurements, among approaches to customer commitment this approach is perhaps the most easily quantifiable as commitment is established through membership rates and sales of club merchandise. The establishment of this motorcycle club then improved customer commi tment as the various Harley owners joined the club and increasingly purchased Harley products. There is the recognition then that as a means of facilitating customer commitment this organization could similarly sponsor outreach groups. The final form of customer commitment is temporal commitment. Garbarino and Johnson8 indicate that temporal commitment is the demonstration that the relationship occurs over an extended period of time. While customer relationships through

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Processed Food as a Cause of Obesity and Chronic Illnesses Assignment

Processed Food as a Cause of Obesity and Chronic Illnesses - Assignment Example This essay "Processed Food as a Cause of Obesity and Chronic Illnesses" outlines the health's risks connected with the consumption of the processed food and the ways how to prevent it. Most processed foods contain a high level of modified diet products such as soybean and canola. Processed foods such as potato chips and cookies are characterised by high amounts of calories. This is because most processing procedures remove the amount water in these foods to reduce transportation costs and increase the shelf-life. Consumption of such foods leads to increased intake of the calories with a corresponding decrease in nutritional gain. Sugar sweetened soft drinks are a prominent source of calorie intake in children leading to obesity in the young generation. Ultra-processed foods lack the healthy fats, minerals, vitamins, insoluble fibre and phyto-chemicals that guard the human body against cancer and heart diseases. Fresh fruits and vegetables have a lower concentration of sugar and requi re less insulin release for their digestion compared to processed foods. High consumption of processed products may alter or completely destroy the taste buds making a person develop a tendency of getting used to strong tastes. This makes them increase the consumption of foods rich sugar and salt content. According to Ludwig (2011:1352-53), an effective plan than can reverse obesity and related trends in the prevalence of chronic diseases is, â€Å"adoption of a collective strategy that includes individual, industrial, governmental, community participation...†.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Judaism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Judaism - Essay Example This research paper dwells on the main aspects of Judaism religion and the author discusses the variety of theories existing. In this discussion, many facets of Judaism will be examined, primarily in the three temporal subdivisions labeled the Tribal/Pre-Monarchy Period, the Divided Monarchy and the Hasmonean/Maccabean and the Roman Era. In the middle of all these three time periods where the religion at times has been quite split, they give the impression as being the real representative for the basic presence of it in the first place. As a case in point for the commonality among the periods of Judaism, we should see that the area of focus here is the place associated with the religion, which quite frankly is Jerusalem itself. This topic will be covered in detail first, and then the multiple Judaism arguments will be presented. In this way, it is possible to keep a common focus in mind when reading about all the other situations in which the religion has found itself. Adding further to the discussion, we find out that indeed the city of Jerusalem is where the place of worship of the Jews once used to be. It was in the year 586 BC when the temple was destroyed, no Jew would have refused Jerusalem as being the world center of the religion of Judaism. It was from that moment onwards that the Jewish people started to have their own journey and migrated around the world but made it a point to remember the very fact that it was Jerusalem where it all began. The Judaism religion has some significant holidays.