Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Systematic Procedure Making Critical Analysis-Myassinmanthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Systematic Procedure Making Critical Analysis? Answer: Introduction: Literature review is the systematic procedure of making critical analysis of a particular topic. Numerous eminent scholars express their own opinion from different perspectives in order to make a comparative analysis of that specific topic. This particular study has provided an in-depth analysis on how to write a literature review. Based on the point of view of five eminent scholars the study has made an in-depth critical evaluation on the structure of a literature review and its different form of evaluation style. Five scholarly papers have been chosen for making detailed as well as critical evaluation on the narrative style of literature review. The scholars have opined on how the theoretical concepts should be presented while marketing a literature review. The source of articles from where data would be collected should be very much authentic. The data collection technique is of two types including either primary or secondary. Based on the secondary data analysis relevant data and information are collected from various books, magazines and journals. These five scholarly papers have depicted the way of data collection in different ways. Steps of literature review: Ferrari (2015) stated that literature review should follow a systematic procedure while making an effective evaluation. On the very first stage the research issue should be discussed from different perspectives by highlighting the point of views of eminent scholars. On the other hand, Cheung and Thadani (2012) emphasized that a proper literature review should never maintain a narrative style. The scholars have to present every point of view in argumentative way. As a result, the research issue can be discussed from every perspective. While presenting the point of view research scholars should have the authenticity of relevant data and information. The resources that can be used at the literature review should have accuracy as well as relevance. In the article Reviewing the literature: making the literature work for you, published by Hamilton and Clare (2017), the author has stated that One of the most common reasons for a literature review is to use the literature to enhance and deve lop an argument in a thesis or report. Descriptive form of writing is not appropriate enough in depicting a proper literature review. People belonging to different geographical boundaries would get an in-depth knowledge and ideas only when the entire research issue would be focused to discuss from different perspective with appropriate validity of resources. The most important way of conducting a literature review is to highlight various theories and concepts that are relevant to the research issue. Denney and Tewksbury (2013) stated that theories enhances the concepts in a detailed way so that an individual can utilize that knowledge on practical experiences as well. As per the eminent of some of the eminent scholars providing theories in every literature review is not necessary for evaluating the research issue. Finally the conclusion of a proper literature review should be argumentative as well so that views from different perspectives can be highlighted. On the other hand, Gimenez and Tachizawa (2012) pointed out that conclusion of a literature review should convey a proper message so that the research issue can be resolved. After evaluating the argumentation of different conspicuous scholars it can be concluded that critical evaluation is highly important for a making a literature review. At the same time, it is also undeniable that researcher should not make the entire paper being confused. The individual while showing the various arguments and point of views should make an effective as well as relevant conclusion as well. Narrative style of literature review: The primary purpose of making a narrative literature review is to discuss about that particular research issue in a descriptive method. The researcher intends to highlight the opinion of some of the eminent scholars and tends to give an overview on how the author has portrayed the research issue on the own perspective. As emphasized by Othman (2012), a proper literature review should never be narrative. The different opinions of various contemporary scholars should be discussed critically and the readers should evaluate the concepts on their own way. Narrative review ensures that a literature review should cover a proper introduction, methods, results and discussion. The researcher has to be dependent on some of the eminent journal scholars. For an example, impact of information and communication technology in enhancing business proficiency is one of the most happening research issues of this current era. However, narrative style of literature review ensures to describe the various positive aspects of informational and communication technology due to which business organizations get high benefits and facilities. The researcher likes to highlight importance and impact of ICT in business enhancement of different industries. The way of description is of different types. Krumpal (2013) opined that narrative style of literature review cannot provide detailed information regarding the particular research issue. While discussing the impact of information and communication technology the researcher could have focused to discuss about the positive and negative impact both. Information and telecommunication technology is possessed with some of the negative impacts as well. At the time of technological barrier the entire process of business gets hampered. Therefore, the organization has to face sudden crisis in running their business systematically. With the help of numerous contemporary scholars the research issue can be conducted with the help of critical evaluation. Critical evaluation ensures that both the positive as well as negative opinions of different scholars would be depicted in the form of argumentative statement. As per the opinion of a particular scholar ICT is possessed with numerous positive impacts in influencing the customer behavior. People do not have to face difficulties in communicating with the service providers after the emergence of ICT. On the other hand, some of the eminent scholars have opined that employees should have enough skill and competency in operating the entire process of technology (Hyde et al. 2012). Otherwise, it can hamper in rendering the business success. This particular research issue has been set up hypothetically based on which a difference can be created between narrative review and argumentative review. Style of comparative analysis: The style of comparative analysis of a literature review has been formed from various perspectives. As per the point of view of Ramdhani, Ramdhani and Amin (2014), comparative analysis has been conducted by highlighting the journal articles of some of the recognized scholars. Their point of views has been presented a different ways. The scholars who have supported the research issues are highlighted in the first paragraph. In the immediate paragraph the opinion of other scholars and their different perspectives are highlighted. On the other hand, Bon and Mustafa (2013) stated that after making an effective thematic analysis with the help of scholars opinion an effective comparison can be prepared. The primary aim of making a thematic analysis is creating a proper theme based on the research issue. After creating a theme on research issue the eminent research scholars tend to provide their own opinion. Some of the major limitations of these specific journals have also been highlighted in thematic analysis. Comparison is made based on observation or secondary data resources rather than depending on the journal article only. In addition, making an effective observational analysis is one of the most effective styles of comparative analysis. Observation analysis is the systematic comparison based on case studies. Researcher intends to follow the case studies of different business organizations by using deductive approach. After making an effective comparison on case studies the research issue is evaluated critically. Therefore, observational analysis is one of the most significant forms of comparative style. Way of finding sources: In order to make an effective literature review data can be collected from different resources. As per the opinion of K Boell and Cecez-Kecmanovic (2017), secondary resource is having validity in making a literature review properly. Secondary resources include various books, journals, magazines and websites. Based on a particular research issue relevant articles and resources are found from different books, websites and journals. As a result, the researcher would not get the scope to make any kind of biased evaluation. While pointing out the opinion of various eminent scholars, the researcher intends to highlight the limitation of the article to make the entire research issue stringer and more valid. On the other hand, Martinon et al. (2014) stated that data should not be collected from secondary source of research only. Necessary data can be collected from primary data resources as well. Some of the respondents directly involved within the research issue can be asked for providing t heir response. While collecting data the researcher should never make any force to the participants. Every respondent should provide spontaneous reply to the participants based on which data can be presented being unbiased. On the other hand, it is undeniable that the response of the participants is not accepted while making literature. The participants may have a probability of providing biased response that can demolish the rhythm of research flow. Therefore, the researcher should always focus on providing data from secondary resources. As per the opinion of Ishak et al. (2014), researchers sometimes intend to find out those sources that are having less validity as well as reliability. In this kind of situation, the researchers would like to collect those data and information that are having revenant sources. Use of theories and concepts: Theory defines a contemplative gist of a particular concept based on which the entire issue is highly dependent. Every literature review intend to focus on evaluating some of the major concepts or theories so that business organizations can follow the particular theory for rendering a better result in their entire process of business. As emphasized by Hamari, Koivisto and Sarsa (2014), theory portrays the key concept of research issue. A specific business organization before implementing a particular business strategy or policy within the process of business intends to have an in-depth conceptual knowledge and ideas. Theory provides that particular knowledge based on which the business experts show their interest in implementing the business policy practically. Theories help to gain though, ideas and knowledge about the different aspects of research issue. This particular study has provided an in-depth overview about the impact of using theory in making a literature review. On the other hand, Snell et al. (2012) has differed the point of view of previous scholar. As per the opinion of this specific scholar theory is successful enough in providing an in-depth overview about the research topic. It is undeniable that business organizations can never be dependent on theoretical concept until the business experts intend to use it within the workplace practically (Huang et al. 2013). Therefore, theory without having a practical knowledge is meaningless. This particular study has provided an in-depth overview about the various positive and negative impacts of using theories within the literature review. Conclusion: Hamilton and Clare (2017) opined that Writing a literature review may seem a daunting task yet with careful consideration of the purpose of the review and organisation of articles and reports it is a very useful and satisfying strategy. Literature review is the key topic of this particular study. Based on the opinion of five scholarly papers this specific study has focused to make an in-depth critical evaluation on how a literature review should be portrayed for making the entire research paper relevant to other practitioner as well. Throughout the entire study a critical evaluation has been made on how the comparative analysis of a particular research issue can be conducted. At the same time, the importance of using theories and concepts within the literature review has also been portrayed in this particular study. Various eminent scholars have stated that using theories and models regarding a particular research issue enhances the relevance of research paper. On the other hand, some scholars have differed the previous opinion. After conducting the entire study it can be concluded that literature review needs a detailed comparative analysis. Reference List: Bon, A.T. and Mustafa, E.M., 2013. 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